mission CANDID
Your Goal is Our Mission!

The importance of education describes the importance of our mission because education is an essential human activity born with the birth of the human race and shall continue till the human race lives.

Man becomes ‘a man’ through education and is what education makes him. It has rightly been said that without education man is a splendid slave, a reasoning savage. Education signifies man’s supreme position in society.

An individual is made up of different entities, education brings about the integration of these separate entities. Education teaches what man lives and struggles for. Education is a sign of superiority. Aristotle wrote, Educated men are as much superior to uneducated as the living is to the dead.” Education is a sign of freedom. Epictetus had declared, “Only the educated are free.” Diogenes felt that “Education is a controlling grace to the young, consolation to the old wealth to the poor and ornament to the rich.” Education is an essential basis of a good life. A man becomes a human being in the real sense when transformed from primarily an animal being into a human being.

In short, education is an essential concomitant of all human societies. “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul”, says Addison

The utmost importance of education for humans has inspired us to set our mission. “To Impart quality education with utmost dedication, honesty, accuracy, precision, and an aim is the prime objective of our mission. Taking the goals of students as our mission is something that makes us work hard. Enlighten the concepts of the mind and pouring in the values is part of our mission.”

Warm Regards!

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